Monthly Archives: December 2014

Bad Data Is Bad Business

Bad data can negatively affect a business For businesses embarking on any type of marketing campaign, the quality of the data you use is crucial to its success. Using incorrect or out of date information can have a negative effect on a business’ reputation and it makes the database ineffective.  It is vital that any database…

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Email appending and marketing cost effectiveness.  At a time when businesses are still trying to reduce costs, anything that appears unnecessary can easily be cut from the marketing budget. This isn’t always the best move; all too often an area that may not be considered as core activity could actually save you money. By way…

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Creating emails your customers will want to receive Why do we target customers with emails? The ruthless answer is to make more sales and therefore more money. Honest perhaps, but writing emails with this aim alone in mind will not achieve the desired outcome. Customers have choices, they are wise and knowledgeable. Unless your offer…

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