Posts By: admin

At What’sAppending? we know the frantic panic of taking client details can mean vital pieces of information are overlooked or documented incorrectly and your database is left with blank spaces throughout. As a result, making contact with important customers can be very hit-and-miss which isn’t cost or time effective. We want to help you hit…

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  You may not be aware, but there’s a expected change in legislation which has the power to dramatically change the way in which companies approach and conduct B2B email marketing. Adding any new email data to a database could become increasingly difficult, if you don’t hold the relevant permissions. With this in mind, we…

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Email marketing still the most effective A new piece of research has found that using email marketing to promote your brand is still the most effective method by which to attract British consumers. The report compared different forms of marketing and advertising and asked respondents how likely they would be to interact with an online…

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Bad Data Is Bad Business

Bad data can negatively affect a business For businesses embarking on any type of marketing campaign, the quality of the data you use is crucial to its success. Using incorrect or out of date information can have a negative effect on a business’ reputation and it makes the database ineffective.  It is vital that any database…

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