What and Why?
The more you know about someone, the more refined your sales and marketing processes can be. To see success in marketing campaigns it is important to gather this valuable information on your customers. If your database lacks the information needed we can enhance your consumer database with the following demographic information:
- Employment Status
- Marital Status
- Homeowner Status
- Children
- Interests (Social Information)
Once you know this additional demographic information, you will see a great improvement in your ROI. It’s proven that a company who tailors marketing and delivers relevant content gains greater respect from it’s audience. Become a respected marketer, find out more about your customers today!
What do we need from you?
In order to run any of the demographic appends you will need to supply us with as much information on your current file as possible. As a minimum we require; First initial, Full Surname, Postcode. Preferred additional information; Full Forename, Full Address, Email, Postal, Telephone.
What is the process?
If you want to append one or more of the above demographic fields to your database you simply need to supply your database as it stands. We will then match this against our consumer appending universe and will add flagging fields of the valuable information that matches your contact. All information on our file related to demographic profiling is maintained by us and our data sources, making it the most accurate on the market.
What is the success rate?
Depending on the information required and the recency of the file, we are able to append 1 or more elements of demographic profiling to an average of 60-80% of data files.
Enquire about Demographic Appending Pricing
Each element or flag is charged for separately. This will be determined prior to work being completed. Demographic Appending prices vary.
For a no obligation demographic appending quote contact us today.